The circuit breakers for the solar electric are configured incorrectly. There should be two sets of handle ties for the two inverters. NEC 240.20b(3).
This flex will not adequately protect the high voltage wires inside. NEC 348.12(7).
There is no means to disconnect AC or DC power from these inverters for servicing or replacement. NEC 422.31(B) and 690.15.
Modules over the ridge are subject to intense forces as wind crests the roof. The wiring for the modules is exposed at the top of the modules. NEC 300.4.
The wires seen dangling are PV extension cables. They should be supported to prevent abrasion against the roofing. NEC 110.12 and 300.4.
The ground wire should be protected if smaller than 6AWG. The wire should not cross itself as this weakens the wire. NEC 250.120(C).
This conduit is incorrectly terminated. The cable ties will break after exposure to the elements. All installations are required to be done with good workmanship which we do not see here. NEC 110.12 and 300.4.
Roof penetration. Wires carry up to 600 VDC and are not adequately protected. Romex clamps are not weatherproof. NEC 110-12 and 312.2.